Cancer Food Metabolic Carnivore Classification

Metabolic Type 2

Type Two metabolizers come the closest of all the types to being purely parasympathetic dominant people.

One of the chief characteristics of Type Two metabolizers is that they burn carbohydrates very rapidly.

Their pancreases work so well that carbohydrates and sugars burn or metabolize so rapidly that these people have a tendency to develop hypoglycemia ۠low blood sugar.

When they eat only fruits, vegetables and sweets, their blood sugar rises and drops many times a day and their energy goes up and down like a yo-yo.

When Type Two’s eat carbohydrates and sugars, which are metabolized so quickly, they become very weak and shaky after a spurt of energy.

Type Two metabolizers must have meat €” preferably fatty, heavy, high purine meats such as lamb, beef, salmon, and sardines.

They are usually the people who order their steaks very rare. By eating these fatty meats, they slow down their carbohydrate/sugar metabolisms.

They feel they have eaten something that will “stick to their ribs.”

Their energy is released at a normal rate and they don’t suffer the ups and downs energy-wise that fruits and sweets cause them to have.

Normally, these metabolizers don’t care much for sweets.

They do well on root vegetables, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carrot juice, and beans.

They enjoy butter, cream, Danish pastries, cream puffs and foods with cream or butter added.

They can do well by adding a small amount of whole grains.

Type Two people do very poorly on leafy green vegetables, candies, fruits, sweets, high carbohydrate diets and sugar pastries.

They should limit the B vitamins and intake of potassium supplements.

Type Two metabolizers usually have a genetic background from German, Scandinavian and Northern European ancestry.

Metabolic Type 5

Type Five metabolizers are those persons who have strong parasympathetic nervous systems, but not nearly as strong as Type Two metabolizers.

Type Five metabolizers are more toward the normal or balanced metabolism. They can tolerate a wide variety of foods.

Type Five metabolizers do well on beef or lamb several times a week, seafood, salmon, tuna, raw (unpasteurized) goat cheese, avocado, beans, peas, lentils, celery, carrots, asparagus, butter, whole grain cereals and breads, some nuts and occasionally Danish pastry and raw (unpasteurized) goats’ milk cheesecake.

Type Five metabolizers are not as prone to hypoglycemia as are the Type Two metabolizers.

However, Type Five’s can easily develop hypoglycemia if they indulge in too many candies and sweets.

Many people fall into this class and do not do well as vegetarians.

Metabolic Type 7

Type Seven metabolizers are the sickly, weak, inefficient parasympathetic metabolizers.

Their bodies do not utilize their food well and as a result they function very poorly.

They almost always feel bad or sickly, functioning very sluggishly.

It is difficult for them to maintain adequate nutrition to their individual body cells.

Their body chemistry systems are quite inefficient and more than normal supplementation must be maintained at all times.

Care must be given to the intake of whole and complete natural foods.

All refined, processed, synthetic food and food additives must be avoided constantly.

Type Seven metabolizers are encouraged to stress the following foods in their diets: seafoods, sardines, salmon, brains, liver, heart, meat gravies and soups, non-colored unprocessed (unpasteurized) goat cheeses, beans, lentils, carrots, celery, butter, and cauliflower.

Small amounts of Danish pastries, raw (unpasteurized) goats’ milk cheesecake and an occasional alcoholic beverage may be taken.

Type Seven metabolizers function best on purine meats such as salmon, tuna, beef, lamb, and wild game.

These meats should be preferred over others and used whenever possible and practical. Care should be given to adequately detoxify the bodies of these

Supplements required
Vitamin E
Vitamin B12
Pantothenic Acid
Calcium Ascorbate
Bioflavanoid complex
Each type needs different
amounts and in different ratios
extra amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar
and Pancreatic Enzymes
Carnivore Types
Type 2 Needs meat up to 14 ounces a day, preferably beef. Has little or no energy unless they eat meat.
Type 5 Needs meat to feel good, but less often, perhaps 2-3 times a week.
Type 7 A cross between Types 2 and 5 but with a horrible metabolism.

Balanced Types
Type 3 Has horrible metabolism. Only absorbs 15% of what he or she eats. Feels so bad that they often wish they were dead.
Type 8 Normal balanced metabolism. Can eat and benefit from all foods, provided they are wholesome.
Type 9 Needs 70% cooked food in diet. Hates raw food.
Type 10 Super-efficient metabolizer. Needs very little food and sleep, yet feels terrific.