Additional Interesting Quotes & Links

“Medical radiation is a highly important cause (probably the principal cause) of cancer mortality in the United States during the Twentieth Century. Medical radiation means, primarily, exposure by x-rays (including fluoroscopy and CT scans). Medical radiation, received even at very low and moderate doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumours) of smooth muscle cells.”

Radiation from Medical Procedure in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease

Note this means NO ONE not at the doctors not at the dentist not at the airport unless the risk/reward is shown to favour the radiation. Make the doctor give you the hard numbers.

Unfortunately, the patient must receive a dose of radioactive material through an IV.    The patient becomes ‘radioactive” which increases the risk of cancer. The second pitfall of the nuclear stress test is that any abnormal finding usually leads to other tests and procedures, usually tests and procedures that studies have not shown to reduce the risk of either heart attack or death.”   

Doctor Michael Ozner MD

“CT scans and mammograms emit far more radiation than conventional X-rays. A CT scan of the chest delivers 100 times the radiation of a conventional chest X-ray, and a mammogram delivers 1,000 times more radiation. According to David Brenner of Columbia University, about one-third of all CT scans done today are unnecessary. He predicts from his study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, that overuse of diagnostic CT scans may cause up to 3 million cancers over the next 20 to 30 years.”   

Doctor Joseph Mercola MD

According to John Gofman, MD, PhD, “There is strong evidence that HALF of all cancer deaths, and 60 percent of the death rate from ischemic heart disease are induced by ionizing radiation treatments.”

Dr. Gofman is both a nuclear physicist and a medical doctor, and is one of the leading experts in the world on this issue. He presents compelling evidence backing up these assertions in his book Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease. For decades, x-rays and other classes of ionizing radiation have been a proven cause of virtually all types of mutations, especially structural chromosomal mutations. X-rays are also an established cause of genomic instability, often a characteristic of the most aggressive cancers. It’s tragic beyond belief, but many of our conventional medical tests and treatments contribute to worsening disease states, including cancer; and conventional cancer treatments are oftentimes just as deadly as the disease itself.”   Radiation Imaging Tests Increase Cancer and Heart Disease Risks

“Medical radiation is a necessary co-factor in about 75 percent of recent cases of breast cancer in the United States.”  

Doctor John William Gofman PhD ,

Note does this help explain why the RATE of breast cancer creeps ever higher as we “test” more and more?

IMO when you want to test for anything in your body please use a NON-DESTRUCTIVE testing method. Radiation is the ONLY thing the FDA says causes cancer. Is it not strange in the extreme that the use of radiation for “medical testing” has gone up by about twenty five fold in the last 30 years? It is not strange at all when you understand the agenda driving our Medical Industry.

Medically Needless Radiation

“One study found that heart attack patients get the equivalent of 850 chest X-rays in the first few days of their hospital stay — and that most of them were repeats of tests they’d already had. Bottom line: There is no safe level of radiation. Approach any test with extreme scepticism, because most docs aren’t interested in looking inside your body — just your wallet.”  

Doctor William Douglass MD

“Remember, there is no healthy amount of radiation, yet we’re being bombarded so often it’s a miracle we don’t glow in the dark. CT scans are the worst offenders of the bunch, delivering the radioactive wallop of between a few hundred and 1,000 chest X-rays in a single punch.”  

Doctor William Douglass MD

After an imaging test revealed a small nodule in Dr. Len Lichtenfeld’s lung, his doctor ordered a series of CT scans. But Lichtenfeld turned them down.   As deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, Lichtenfeld knew the tiny nodule probably wasn’t dangerous and that new research has documented an increased risk of cancer from CT scans’ X-rays. “The reality is, I thought the radiation dose from those follow-up scans represented more of a threat than the nodule,” he said.”    Life Extension 

“A new study found that more than half of all patients sent for costly abdominal CT scans don’t even need the test. But it gets worse. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison believe the high doses of radiation from those tests cause at least 23,000 radiation-induced cancers every year. A single CT scan delivers as much radiation as 113 chest X- rays.   Around 20 percent use a dose equal to 500 chest X- rays, and some get even more – up to 1,000 X-rays, delivered in one mega-dose of damage. Diagnostic testing – not just these CT scans – represent one of the biggest scams in modern medicine. The overwhelming majority of these tests are done to make a quick and ugly buck off your deepest fears.   Abdominal CT scans alone can cost around $6500 a pop – but who even stops to think about the price when their doc implies something may be wrong? No one! In fact, most people can’t wait to get the test done because they’re worried sick – usually for no good reason.”    

Doctor William Douglass MD

Are You a Victim of This Nearly One Trillion Dollar Scam?

“On you have a 43 percent chance of undergoing an unnecessary medical test. Collectively, these additional tests cost the U.S. health care system a staggering $700 billion a year, with just three of them – X-rays, CT scans, and biopsies – costing an extra $47 million to $194 million a year. What’s most disturbing is that these unnecessary tests often lead to even more tests that lead to unnecessary procedures – and even surgeries – that ultimately could cause harm or death.“

“The study team also noted an overuse of inappropriate diagnostic imaging instead of clinical diagnosis based on history and physical examination. Based on current guidelines imaging should be reserved for instances where a diagnosis is unclear and radiography could rule out other diseases that may produce similar symptoms. Research studies estimate there are 95 million high-tech scans (CT, MRI, PET) done annually in the U.S-representing a $100 billion industry, of which $14 billion has been shouldered by Medicare-and 20% to 50% of these scans were unnecessary as the results failed to help treat or diagnose the patient’s symptoms.”   Inappropriate Medical Imaging Often Performed

“With the mounting evidence of the dangers caused by excessive radiation exposure, why isn’t the medical community taking major steps to reduce the numbers of scans, or at the very least, to limit the dose of radiation when a scan can’t be avoided? There are a few answers, and none of them are encouraging. First, CT scans are extremely lucrative. Indeed, there are those who question whether physician ownership of radiology operations is to blame for its overuse. By some estimates, 26 to 44% of CT scans ordered are considered inappropriate and unnecessary.2 Technical improvements in CT scanners themselves have in fact permitted a reduction in radiation exposure per scan, but the ease and relatively low cost of such scans has led to a concomitant increase in the number of scans carried out every year, overshadowing the gains made by technology and leaving patients vulnerable.32 ”   Cancer Risks Of CT Scans

Folks please NEVER accept ANY invasive medical procedure without going HOME and researching it. Radiation is one of the most invasive things you can do to your body. The radiation is invading trillions of your cells with their fragile DNA.   MANY times this damage is needless; unless you believe paying off the cost of the radiation equipment is worth your life.

The Politics of Radiation Death

“A former Food and Drug Administration scientist said Tuesday his job was eliminated after he raised concerns about the risks of radiation exposure from high-grade medical scanning. Dr. Julian Nicholas told an audience of imaging specialists that he and other FDA staffers “were pressured to change their scientific opinion,” by managers in the agency’s medical device division.”   FDA suppressed scan safety fears, staffer says

When good honest staffers are forced to put the public’s health in jeopardy or lose their job you KNOW something is terribly wrong. The Rockefeller clan has their hooks so deep into the Medical Industry it is a wonder the Industry is not cut in half.

Very Questionable Radiation

“Unfortunately, the patient must receive a dose of radioactive material through an IV. The patient becomes ‘radioactive” which increases the risk of cancer. The second pitfall of the nuclear stress test is that any abnormal finding usually leads to other tests and procedures, usually tests and procedures that studies have not shown to reduce the risk of either heart attack or death.”

Doctor Michael Ozner MD

“Angiograms, if you didn’t know, are no small potatoes. The procedure involves sending a tube through the arteries to the heart to check for blockages. The tube shoots dye as technicians click away at an X-ray machine — exposing you to radiation throughout the test. And no matter what your doc tells you, there is NO safe amount of radiation. Patients undergoing these tests also have a risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack during the procedure. Your doctor will tell you the risk is small… but so what? It’s still a risk, and you should never, ever put your life on the line if you don’t have to.”  

Doctor William Douglass MD

“Cardiac computed tomography (CT) and other medical scans sometimes involve injecting a radioactive iodide dye into the bloodstreams of patients in order to highlight the produced images. But a new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine has revealed that this radioactive dye can cause permanent thyroid damage, as well as cancer.”    Thyroid Medical Scams

Well over half of all radiation “testing” can be simply avoided just by saying NO. Ask for the statistical evidence suggesting the test will benefit you and not “The Medical Industry”.

Radiation Equipment Often NOT Maintained

“Radiation from medical procedures is stored by our DNA. Given that 70 million radiation-producing scans were performed on Americans in 2007 (compared with just 3 million in 1980), we urge all healthcare consumers to ask their radiologists to adjust the dosage of radiation to the smallest amount capable of achieving a readable scan. Consumers should also consider taking curcumin, beta glucans, ascorbic acid and other nutrients to protect their cells’ DNA from the cumulative effects of medical radiation.”   Alliance for Natural Health.

Folks, the smallest amount of radiation is ZERO radiation; that is what I shoot for.

 For more information go to – where we found this article.